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Nautholl Restaurant

Iceland’s first Swan certified restaurant is located next to the wooded Oskuhlíð hill, overlooking Reykjavik thermal beach, only a mere five- minute drive from downtown. The restaurant features modern Icelandic cuisine with an emphasis on fresh local ingredients, in-house productions and a casual atmosphere. Nautoll´s kitchen is in the able hands of master chef, Eythor Runarsson, an Icelandic national culinary team member and one of a new generation of Iocal chefs committed to sustainable cuisine. Nautholl is a beautifully furnished contemporary bistro. A separate part of the venue is very popular for private meetings, seminars and banquets. Opening hours: Monday through Sunday 11 am to 10 pm.


Iceland Europe Travel partnership

Tel Iceland +354 518 5400

fax Iceland +354 518 5400

Sjávarklasinn / Ocean Cluster House

Grandagarði 16

101 Reykjavik Iceland 

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